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    AID-MRI Team Meet the AID-MRI study research team! Our team consists of individuals with expertise in the fields of Cardiac MRI, Cardiology and Artificial Intelligence who share a common goal of delivering personalized care for patients with cardiovascular disease through high-quality data. The AID-MRI study is funded by a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) held by two investigators from the Libin Cardiovascular Institute and Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute. Dr James White, MD Principal Investigator Director of Precision Medicine Professor of Medicine Libin Cardiovascular Institute Cumming School of Medicine University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada ​ Russel Greiner, PhD Co-PI CRAR Chair in Artificial Intelligence Scientist – Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute Professor – Dept of Computer Sciences University of Alberta, Canada Jackie Flewitt, MSc Research Collaborations Coordinator Personalized Diagnostics Program Libin Cardiovascualr Institute Fereshteh Hasanzadeh, MSc Study Core Lab Coordinator CMR Research Technologist Personalized Diagnostics Program Libin Cardiovascualr Institute Sandra Rivest, RN Clinical Trial Coordinator Personalized Diagnostics Program Libin Cardiovascualr Institute

  • What is AID-MRI | My Site

    1 3 1 1/3 C ardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive imaging test that uses a strong magnetic field to generate high quality images of the body's organs without need for radiation. It has become widely used for the diagnosis of heart muscle problems called "cardiomyopathies", these being a collection of conditions that can lead to heart failure and abnormal heart rhythms. Cardiomyopathies are challenging to diagnose, typically requiring the use of contrast agents (i.e., gadolinium) to highlight specific disease patterns and requiring physicians with highly specialized training to interpret these images. Unique approaches that can minimize this need for contrast and specialized physician input are therefore desired. A rtificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly a part of our lives and helps us do tasks every day. It is a branch of computer science that aims to build machines capable of learning how to perform a task, and often referred to as "machine learning". In healthcare, we already use this to perform time-consuming measurements of hearts on our images. However, we are hopeful it can help us diagnose if a patient has a disease, and how best to treat it. However, this requires careful testing to make sure it is equal ly helpful for all patients, regardless of their sex or ethnicity. This is why studies, such as the International AID-MRI study, are so important: making sure that these tools help patients from all around the globe irrespective of whether they are female, male, African or India n . ​ A ID-MRI is an international study testing innovative software tools developed at the University of Calgary to construct b eating heart models (digital twins) of each patient's heart from routinely captured, non-contrast cardiac MRI images. Each of these models elegantly describes the unique shape and movement of a patient's heart, providing data that is ideally suited to AI-based analyses of 3-dimensional objects, an approach called geometric deep learning. Using this approach, the International AID-MRI study aims to describe the ability of AI-informed digital twins to diagnose cardiomyopathy and to predict each individual patient's future risk of major adverse cardiovascular events. A total of 10,000 patients with a broad range of heart diseases have already been recruited in Alberta, Canada, providing their consent for images of their hearts to be used for training these models. We are now recruiting 1,000 patients across 10 international sites to test if these models provide similar value in different hospital settings and in patients with different sex and ethnicity . Th e AID-MRI study is publicly funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

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    Study Locations and Investigators University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada Libin Cardiovascular Institute Principle Investigator of the AID-MRI study: Dr. James White, MD ​ University of Alberta, Canada Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (AMII) Co - Principle Investigator of the AID-MRI study: Dr. Russel Greiner, PhD ​ University Health Network (UHN) Toronto, Canada Investigator: Dr. Kate Hanneman ​ Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center Toronto, Canada Investigator: Dr. Idan Roifman Ottawa Heart Institute (OHI), Canada Investigator: Dr. Ian Paterson ​ New York University Langone Hospital (NYU) Investigator: Dr. Juan Gaztananga ​ American British Cowdray Medical Center (ABC) Mexico City Investigator: Dr. Lilia M. Sierra Galan ​ University of Hong Kong (HKU), China Investigator: Dr. Ming-Yen Ng ​ University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), USA Investigator: Dr. Mahesh Vidula ​ Royal Brompton & Harefield hospitals (RBHT) United Kingdom Investigator: Dr. Chiara Bucciarelli-Ducci ​ Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, USA Investigator: Dr. Tim Leiner ​ University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa Investigator: Dr. Ntobeko Ntusi ​

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    AID-MRI Image Data Management: Click here to log into the image data upload platform (credentials and password required). Electronic Data Capture (REDCap): Click here to lo g into the study data upload platform (credentials and password required).

Artificial Intelligence-based Diagnosis of Cardiomyopathy using cardiac MRI (AID-MRI) © 2023 

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