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Image by Drew Beamer

Meet the AID-MRI study research team! Our team consists of individuals with expertise in the fields of Cardiac MRI, Cardiology and Artificial Intelligence who share a common goal of delivering personalized care for patients with cardiovascular disease through high-quality data. The AID-MRI study is funded by a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) held by two investigators from the Libin Cardiovascular Institute and Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute.

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Dr James White, MD

Principal Investigator

Director of Precision Medicine

Professor of Medicine

Libin Cardiovascular Institute

Cumming School of Medicine

University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Russel Greiner, PhD


CRAR Chair in Artificial Intelligence

Scientist – Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute

Professor – Dept of Computer Sciences

University of Alberta, Canada

Image by Drew Beamer

Jackie Flewitt, MSc

Research Collaborations Coordinator

Personalized Diagnostics Program

Libin Cardiovascualr Institute

Fereshteh Hasanzadeh, MSc

Study Core Lab Coordinator
CMR Research Technologist

Personalized Diagnostics Program

Libin Cardiovascualr Institute

Sandra Rivest, RN

Clinical Trial Coordinator

Personalized Diagnostics Program

Libin Cardiovascualr Institute

Artificial Intelligence-based Diagnosis of Cardiomyopathy using cardiac MRI (AID-MRI) © 2023 

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